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All surgery poses some risk to your pet. At Town & Country Veterinarians, all patients receiving general anesthesia must have pre-surgical blood work that provides an in-depth look at organ function, which helps determine if your pet is an appropriate candidate for surgery. Once anesthesia is deemed safe for the patient, specialized monitoring equipment tracks a patient’s vital signs. Our experienced surgical team ensures that close attention is paid to each individual patient to guarantee the best possible outcome for your pet.

Bladder Stone Removal

A bladder stone is a mineral formation that can develop in your pet’s bladder. In situations where bladder stones are large, numerous, or resistant to other medical interactions, surgical removal may be necessary.


If your cat or dog is pregnant and is unable to safely give birth, a C-section may be required to protect the health of your companion and her litter.

Dental Surgery

By caring for your pet’s oral health, you can support their overall well-being as well. Whether your pet needs an extraction or has a dental abscess, our team is skilled at providing dental surgery for dogs and cats.

Ear Hematoma Repair

When blood pools between the skin and the cartilage of the ear flap, whether due to trauma or infection, it causes a swollen, fluid-filled pocket called a hematoma that can cause discomfort and pain for your pet. We can perform a relatively simple surgical procedure to help drain the accumulated blood and prevent further complications or infection.

Exploratory Surgery

Sometimes, in an emergency, it can be difficult to understand what is wrong with your pet. If your pet has eaten something they shouldn’t have or has noticeable issues like vomiting, diarrhea, lack of appetite, few or no bowel movements, or blood in their stool, we may need to perform exploratory surgery to determine the root cause.

GDV Surgery

Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus (GDV) is a serious and life-threatening condition that occurs when a dog’s stomach fills with gas, fluid, or food and twists on itself. More commonly called “Bloat”, GDV can develop without warning, can progress rapidly, and is always an emergency situations. As the stomach twists, it becomes severely distended and puts pressure on the surrounding organs, decreasing blood flow and causing damage to the tissue. Large breed dogs with deep chests are at the greatest risk, such as Great Danes, but this condition has been reported in nearly every breed. To prevent this condition, a Gastropexy procedure can be performed that can reduce the risk by 95%. During this procedure the stomach is sutured to the abdominal wall, preventing the stomach from twisting.

Laceration Repair

Whether after a fight with another animal or an accident, lacerations can cause severe blood loss and need emergency surgery to suture the wound closed and allow it to heal properly.

Mass Removal

Whether internal or external, growths can cause a variety of health complications and potentially be cancerous. We can skillfully remove growths and send a tissue sample for testing to determine if it is benign or not.

Spay and Neuter

Our clinic performs spay and neuter surgery safely and effectively, prioritizing your pet’s health. This extremely common surgery helps protect your pet from certain hormone-related illnesses and prevents unwanted pregnancy.